Curtain Wall Type Properties

Modify type properties to change the function, join condition, grid patterns, and mullions for the curtain wall family.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Function Indicates the purpose of a wall: exterior, interior, retaining, foundation, soffit, or core-shaft. Function can be used in scheduling and to create filters that simplify a model when exporting.
Automatically Embed Indicates whether the curtain wall automatically embeds into the wall.
Curtain Panel Sets the curtain panel family type for the curtain element.
Join Condition Controls which mullions break at intersections on a curtain element type.

For example, this parameter makes all horizontal or vertical mullions on a curtain wall continuous, or it can make mullions on Grid 1 or Grid 2 continuous on sloped glazing.

Vertical/Horizontal Grid Pattern
Layout Sets an automatic vertical/horizontal layout for curtain grid lines along the length of a curtain wall. When set to a value other than None, Revit LT automatically adds vertical/horizontal grid lines to a curtain wall. Fixed Distance indicates that the curtain grids are placed at the exact value specified for Vertical/Horizontal Spacing. If the spacing is not an even factor of the wall's length, Revit LT inserts space at one or both ends of the wall, depending on the justification parameter. For example, if the wall is 46 feet and the vertical spacing is 5 feet and the justification is set to beginning, Revit LT adds 1 foot from the beginning of the wall before placing the first grid. See the Vertical/Horizontal Justification instance property description for more information on justification. Fixed Number indicates that you can set different numbers of curtain grids for different curtain wall instances. See the Vertical/Horizontal Number instance property description for more information. Maximum Spacing indicates that the curtain grids are placed at even intervals along the length of the curtain wall at a distance up to the value specified for Vertical/Horizontal Spacing.
Spacing Enabled when Layout is set to Fixed Distance or Maximum Spacing. When the layout is set to a fixed distance, Revit LT uses the exact value for Spacing. When the layout is at a maximum spacing, Revit LT uses up to the specified value to lay out the grids.
Adjust for Mullion Size Adjusts the position of type-driven gridlines to ensure that curtain panels are of equal size, whenever possible. Sometimes when mullions are placed, particularly on borders of curtain hosts, it can result in panels of unequal size, even if the Layout is set to Fixed Distance.
Vertical Mullions
Interior Type Specifies the mullion family for interior vertical mullions.
Border 1 Type Specifies the mullion family for vertical mullions on the left border.
Border 2 Type Specifies the mullion family for vertical mullions on the right border.
Horizontal Mullions
Interior Type Specifies the mullion family for interior horizontal mullions.
Border 1 Type Specifies the mullion family for horizontal mullions on the bottom border.
Border 2 Type Specifies the mullion family for horizontal mullions on the top border.
Identity Data
Keynote Add or edit the curtain wall keynote. Click in the value box to open the Keynotes dialog. See Keynotes.
Model The model type for the curtain wall. May not be applicable.
Manufacturer Manufacturer for the stair materials. May not be applicable.
Type Comments Specific comments on the curtain wall type.
URL A link to a web page for the manufacturer or other appropriate link.
Description A description for the curtain wall.
Assembly Description Description of the assembly based on the assembly code selection.
Assembly Code Uniformat assembly code selected from hierarchical list.
Type Mark A value to designate the particular curtain wall. Useful if you need to identify more than one curtain wall. This value must be unique for each curtain wall in a project. Revit LT warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. (You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.)
Fire Rating The fire rating of the curtain wall.
Cost Material cost.