Use the Solver Manager to run the Design Study

The design study has been created in Autodesk® CFD, and consists of four designs. Each design has a scenario that is fully defined with boundary conditions and materials:


There are two ways to run the analyses:

To open the Solver Manager, right click off the model, and select Solver manager...

Click the Select toggle button so that all will run when launched.

Note: By default, each scenario runs 100 iterations.

To reduce the number of iterations (for brevity), click on a scenario name, and modify the Solver dialog. Click OK.

Modifying the Sover Computer to Cloud if you would like to further reduce runtime by solving simultaneously in the cloud

Note: Tokens will be charged to your account, more information about cloud solving requirements can be found here.

solve iterations

Repeat for all scenarios, as appropriate.

Click Submit to start the analyses.

Note: The four scenarios will run in the order specified in the Submit Order column.

For more about Solver Manager...

To view the status of each scenario, click Job Monitor from Setup (tab) > Simulation (panel):

job manager

For more about the Solution Monitor...

When all four are finished, open Autodesk® CFD, and activate each scenario to load the results into the user interface.

To visualize and compare results, click here for instructions. Note that these instructions refer to the two-design example, but are easily adapted to this example.

Congratulations! You have completed the exercise. Click here to return to the Tutorials Title Page.
