
Use Parts to assess results on selected parts. Results Parts can also be designated as Summary Parts, and used in the Decision Center to assess Critical values.

An example of using a Result Part is an electronic power inverter. The temperature on several components cannot exceed a value of 60°C. After the Scenario is run to convergence, obtain the temperature on each component using the Part dialog.

To compare the resultant temperature on a component from several Scenarios in the Design Study, make them Summary Points, and compare their values in the Decision Center.

Extract results from

To view results

  1. Click Results (tab) > Results Tasks (panel) > Parts to open the Parts dialog.
  2. Select parts of interest from the model.
  3. Click Calculate either on the Parts dialog or from the Parts context menu.
Note: To change units, make the part a Summary Part, and modify the units in the Summary Values table.
Note: Part-based temperatures are computed using volumetric temperature averaging.

To designate a part as a Summary part

To view the list of Summary parts

For more about using a boundary condition to define a Summary Part...

To delete a Summary Part

  1. In the Decision Center, right click on the Summary Part.

  2. Click Remove.

    Note: This removes the Summary Part designation from the part; it does not delete the part from the model.