Element Descriptions

The following elements are used in Autodesk® CFD simulations:

Quadrilateral Element

The 4 node quadrilateral element can be used to model either 2D cartesian or axisymmetric geometries. Each node has 4 degrees of freedom for laminar flow: U, V, P, T and 6 degrees of freedom for turbulent flows: U, V, P, T, K, . All of the elements must be defined in the x-y plane.

Triangular Element

The 3 node triangular element can be used to model either 2D cartesian or axisymmetric geometries. Each node has 4 degrees of freedom for laminar flow: U, V, P, T and 6 degrees of freedom for turbulent flows: U, V, P, T, K, . All of the elements must be defined in the x-y plane.

Tetrahedral Element

The 4 node tetrahedral element can be used to model 3D geometries. Each node has 5 degrees of freedom for laminar flow: U, V, W, P, T and 7 degrees of freedom for turbulent flows: U, V, W, P, T, K, .

Hexahedral Element

The 8 node hexahedral element can be used to model 3D geometries. Each node has 5 degrees of freedom for laminar flow: U, V, W, P, T and 7 degrees of freedom for turbulent flows: U, V, W, P, T, K, .

Wedge Element

The 6 node triangular prism or wedge element can be used to model 3D geometries. Each node has 5 degrees of freedom for laminar flow: U, V, W, P, T and 7 degrees of freedom for turbulent flows: U, V, W, P, T, K, .

Pyramid Element

The 5 node prism element can be used to model 3D geometries. Each node has 5 degrees of freedom for laminar flow: U, V, W, P, T and 7 degrees of freedom for turbulent flows: U, V, W, P, T, K, .