Part Suppression

Omit parts from an analysis by suppressing them from the mesh. You should suppress parts before applying Automatic Mesh Sizing.

To suppress a part (several ways):

Suppressed parts are listed in the Material branch with a strike-through line.

If a part is suppressed or resumed after Automatic Mesh Sizing and size adjustments have been applied, it will be necessary to reapply Automatic sizing.

If the Minimum Refinement Length is affected, then a message will indicate this. The mesh distribution is not recalculated until another task is opened or the design study is saved. This gives you the opportunity to modify the Minimum Refinement Length, if needed. To rebuild the mesh distribution, click Autosize from the Automatic Sizing context panel.

To resume a part (several ways):

Example of Part Suppression

To Automate Part Suppression:

In many situations, the same CAD assembly is used for several designs. If multiple parts have to be suppressed for each design, suppressing them manually can be inefficient. To automate this process, create one or more rules that suppresses parts based on their part name or CAD Entity group name.

For more about using Rules for part suppression...

Results Visualization

By default, suppressed parts are not visible when viewing results. To display them, open the Design Study bar, and expand the Materials branch of the Results branch. Check the box adjacent to each part to be displayed.

For more about displaying suppressed parts...