Design Study Bar: Results Branch

You can use the Results branch and sub-branches to create, remove, and control the appearance of the results visualization entities. The commands in the right-click menus are also located in the on-model context menus and in the ribbon context menu for each entity type. The Design Study bar results branches collect these commands into a single area and are a convenient way to interact with the results tools.

Results Branch (top level)

results branch

The right click menu provides a set of controls that apply to the entire model:

Out of Date Results Warning Icon

If a setting is changed after a scenario is run, the warning icon appears on the Results branch:warning icon

This means that the results do not match the settings in the scenario. To resolve the inconsistency, run the scenario again with the new settings.

Parts Branch

Parts are organized by their assigned materials in the Parts branch. This is a convenient way to control the appearance and visibility of parts while reviewing results.

parts branch

To hide a part, uncheck the box adjacent to the part ID.

These commands provide the ability to change the displayed result on a part, change part appearance, assign parts as Summary Parts, and to calculate part-based results such as temperature using the Parts tool.


From the Planes branch, you can create new results planes by right clicking on the branch, and clicking Add plane.

Every plane is listed as a sub-branch. To hide a plane, uncheck the box adjacent to the plane ID.

planes branch

The right-click menu provides a comprehensive set of controls for Planes:


From the Points branch, you can create new Results Points for monitoring time and iteration history of results at specific locations in the model.

points branch

The right-click menu provides a comprehensive set of controls for Results Points:

Iso Surfaces

From the Iso Surfaces branch, you can create new Iso Surfaces by right clicking on the branch, and clicking Add iso surface.

Every Iso Surface is listed as a sub-branch. To hide an Iso Surface, uncheck the box adjacent to the Iso Surface ID.

iso surfaces branch

The right-click menu provides a comprehensive set of controls for Iso Surfaces:

Iso Volumes

From the Iso Volumes branch, you can create new Iso Volumes by right clicking on the branch, and clicking Add iso volume.

Every Iso Volume is listed as a sub-branch. To hide an Iso Volume, uncheck the box adjacent to the Iso Volume ID.

iso volume branch

The right-click menu provides a comprehensive set of controls for Iso Volumes:


From the Traces branch, you can save trace data to an external file. To create new traces, use the Add command on the Traces context ribbon menu.

Every trace set is listed as a sub-branch. To hide a trace set, uncheck the box adjacent to the trace set ID.

traces branch

The right-click menu provides a comprehensive set of controls for particle traces:

Viewing Suppressed Parts

Suppressed parts are excluded from the simulation. When results are displayed, suppressed parts appear shaded with a uniform color:

suppressed parts

By default, suppressed parts are not visible when you first enter Results. To show them, open the Design Study bar, and expand the Parts branch of the Results branch. Check the box adjacent to each part you want to display.

There are some limitations for suppressed parts: