Search Reports

Learn about the type of search reports you can create.

Generate reports of searches using the Report button located on the Find dialog box. Search reports can be saved with customized templates.

Certain report templates are supplied with the application.

Template Name


ECO Average Close Rate

Displays the average number of days it takes to close an ECO.

ECO By State

Displays the ECOs in groups based on ECO state.

ECO Detail

Displays the ECO Number, Change Order Properties, State, Due Date, and submission information without table formatting.

ECO Status Created on Month

Displays the number of ECOs per State.

ECO Table

Displays the ECO Number, Change Order Properties, State, Due Date, and submission information in table format.

File by Category

Displays the file name, revision, state, comments, and check-in information in a pie-chart organized by category.

File Detail

Displays the file name, revision, state, check-in information, and comments without table formatting.

File Table

Displays the file name, revision, state, check-in information, and comments in table format.

Item By State

Displays the item information in groups based on state.

Item Detail

Displays the item name, revision, state, type, units, modification information, compliance status, and description without table formatting.

Item Table

Displays the item name, revision, state, type, units, modification information, compliance status, and description in a table.