Edit Lifecycle State Transitions

Configure transition criteria for an object in a certain lifecycle state to move to a new lifecycle state. You can also determine actions that are automatically triggered by the state change.

Note: This feature is available in Autodesk Vault Workgroup and Professional.

When an object moves from one lifecycle state to the next, it is called a transition. For example, when a file in Work-in-Progress state is changed to a Released state, that is a state transition.

For each state transition in a lifecycle, you can configure the:

Access Lifecycle State Transitions

  1. Click Tools  Administration Vault Settings.
  2. On the Vault Settings dialog box click Behaviors tab  Lifecycles.
  3. In the Lifecycle Definition dialog box, select the name of the lifecycle definition for which you want to configure state transitions and click Edit. The selected definition name appears in the title bar.
  4. From the Lifecycle States list, select the lifecycle state to edit and click the Transitions tab.
  5. On the Transitions tab, the state transitions are listed in the From State and To State columns. Select the transition that you want to modify and click Edit.

    There are three options in the Transition dialog: Criteria, Actions, and Security.

Configure Transition Criteria

Use transition criteria to determine when a transition occurs. The transition will not happen until the criteria is met.

Add Transition Criteria

  1. In the Transition dialog box, select the Criteria tab. On the Criteria tab, define the criteria under which the transition can occur:
    1. If desired, filter which properties are displayed based on a certain entity class. For example, configure it so that only File Properties are shown in the Property drop-down.
    2. In the Property box, select the property.
    3. In the Condition box, select the condition.
    4. When appropriate, select a value from the Value box. Not all criterion definitions require an entry to the Value box.
  2. Click Add. The rule is added to the list in the text box below the Add button.
  3. Tip: Use the Property Compliance property to ensure that all properties are in compliance before the transition can take place. This is an excellent rule to incorporate when configuring a transition from non-released state to a released state.

Remove or Replace Transition Criteria

  1. On the Transitions tab, select the transition that you want to modify and click Edit.
  2. On the Transition dialog box, select the Criteria tab, and then do one of the following:
    • Select the defined criterion from the text box, and click Remove.
    • Select the defined criterion from the text box, select new criteria from the Property, Condition, and Value boxes and click Replace.

Boolean Operators (case insensitive)

You can use the following boolean operators when defining the transition criteria value.


Criteria includes x AND y.


Criteria includes either x OR y.


Criteria includes documents that do NOT have x.

Edit Transition Actions

Transition actions are events that occur when the transition is successful. If any error occurs during the transition to the next state, the action will not take place.

Access the Transitions tab

  1. In the Transitions dialog box, click the Actions tab.
  2. Select an entity class in the Filter drop-down to show only the actions available for that entity class (e.g., select Folders to only see actions available for folder state transitions).

Bump Revision

  1. If you want a revision bump to occur when the transition occurs, select one of these actions:
    • Bump primary revision
    • Bump secondary revision
    • Bump tertiary revision
    • Note: Use-the drop-down arrow beside Bump Primary Revision to choose secondary or tertiary revision levels.

    Or clear the check box to exclude the action for this transition.

Synchronize Properties

  1. If you want to synchronize properties with the Job Server, select one of these actions:
    • Synchronize properties using Job Server
    • Synchronize properties and update pdf using Job Server (available when the To State is Released)
    • Synchronize properties and update view and pdf using Job Server (available when the To State is Released)
    • Synchronize properties and update view using Job Server
      Note: Select the drop-down arrow beside Synchronize properties using Job Server to see other options.

    Or clear the check box to exclude the action for this transition.

Release Restrictions

Create a Custom Job

Associate a custom job with a lifecycle transition. Two steps are necessary to create a custom job. First, an administrator adds a custom job to a lifecycle. Second, a programmer creates the job.

More information: Create a Custom Job

Edit Transition Security

Determine who can make an transition occur by configuring Transition Security. Anyone with Modify access can invoke the Change State command on the object.

Tip: There is currently no command to retire a state. However, you can manually retire a state by denying everyone permission to perform a transition. This prevents files in other states from transitioning into that state. However, files can still transition out of the blocked state into a new one.

Manage Transition Restrictions

  1. In the Transitions dialog box, click the Security tab.
  2. When the No restrictions on the transition check box is selected, no security options can be defined for the transition. To add transition restrictions, clear the No restrictions on the transition check box if it is selected. Click Add

Add Members

    Members or groups must be made available, and then added to the Current Members list to enable transition permission.

  1. In the Add Members dialog box, select members or groups from the Select Members From list to be added to the Available Members list.
  2. In the Available Members list, select members or groups to be added to the Current Members list, and then click Add.  

Remove Members

Modify Permissions on Existing Members