Troubleshooting Job Processor

Before troubleshooting, see the Job Processor overview:

Job Processor Components

Job Processor has three main components.

Tasks submitted to the job queue and completed by Job Processor; these are typically repetitive tasks like property updates or DWF creation.
Job Queue
The server-side utility that accepts jobs from Vault Clients and records job execution details.
Job Processor
The client side component that polls the job queue for tasks and executes them using the appropriate components.

Job Processor Process

  1. Once Job Processor is started, checks the job queue every 10 minutes (this is configurable).
  2. If there is an item in the queue, reserves the next queued jobs, taking priority into account.
  3. Downloads the files to the local computer.
  4. Opens the files, usually in a “headless” (no user interface) version of the associated product.
  5. If necessary, updates the file properties and saves the file as a new version.
  6. If a DWF update is needed, Job Processor creates the DWF and uploads to Vault, attaching the DWF to the source file; this does not create a new version.
  7. Moves to the next job.

Job Processor Frequently Asked Questions

Does Job Processor need to be installed on a server?

What are the system requirements for Job Processor?

Can I install Job Processor on an end-user computer?

Does Job processor use a license?

How often does a Job Processor look for jobs?

What sort of Jobs does Job Processor execute?

What sort of Monitoring is recommended?

What software does Job Processor use?

How do I rerun a failed job?

How do I automate Job Processor?

Who should be logged into Job Processor?

Whose name appears on a new file version?

How long does the software take to process jobs?

Will Job Processor migrate a file to the latest software version?

What happens if Job Processor does not have the right software?

What happens if Job Processor does not have the right software version?

What Should I do if processing is slow?

Troubleshooting Job Processor

Corrupt installation

Make sure proper licensing is configured

Unable to process a file type

Install the latest service packs

Job Processor does not respond

Software not registered with Windows

Insufficient user privileges

Corrupt file errors

Job types not processed

Removing job types

Steps to take when jobs are not being processed or are receiving errors

Steps to troubleshoot Job Processor

View Job Processor Logs

If errors persist despite troubleshooting, refer to this information on error logging and potential fixes.

Access error details

Enable Verbose Logging

Error Reference

"Unknown Error During Publish"

"Unable to retrieve File version for id xxxxxxx" or “An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a file.”

"Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list."

"The new Job Processor service is not responding."

"This file is only available from the following sites which are not accessible at this time:"

"File Locked;"

"Sync properties not allowed on non-tip versions"

Lack of adequate permissions

Non-Unique Visualization files

Login Failed

"User is not of the correct Auth type"

"A visualization file cannot be generated for a non cad file”

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {C343ED84-A129-11D3-B799-0060B0F159EF} failed due to the following error: 8007045a A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045A)."

" It looks like an error occurred during the file update. Please open DWG TrueView, Inventor, or Navisworks and try again."


Batch file to start Job Processor from the command line:

Job Processor configuration file time out settings

Job Processor configuration application cycles