Add Files to a Vault with the Vault Client

Add files to a vault using the Add Files command in the Vault client.

  1. Right-click the vault folder to which the file will be added, and then select Add Files. A file browser is displayed.
  2. Browse the local folders and select the files to add.
  3. Click Open. The Add Files dialog box is displayed.
  4. To keep the local file writeable so you can continue working on it after adding it to the vault, click Keep files checked out. You can always check the file out later if you don't want to keep the file checked out now.
  5. To remove the working copy when the file is added to the vault, click Delete working copies.
  6. Enter a comment to describe the files being added to the vault.
  7. Click OK. The selected files are added to the vault.

Once the file is added to the vault, the working copy can be deleted. From this point on, Autodesk Vault manages the data. When you want to view or modify a copy of the file, you retrieve a version of the file from the vault and check it out.