Use this dialog to define the code parameters of a member according to the ANSI/AWC NDS 2012 code, whether in ASD or LRFD mode.
- Click Design
Timber Members Design - Options
Code parameters to open the Definitions dialog, and then click Parameters.
Dialog elements
- Member Type
- Enter a name for the member type, and specify if this member type is a cantilever or not.
- Buckling check
- Enable or disable the buckling analysis for members under compression such as columns.
- Select the direction that you want to check for buckling: Axis Y or Axis Z.
Note: The program does not take buckling into account if no direction is selected.
Effective Length ley/lez
Opens the Effective Length le for Compression Members which allows you to select a type of timber member support.
Load eccentricity
Enables the verification of the active column according to section 15.4.1.
Enter the value of the load eccentricity in the ey or ez box.
- Lateral-torsional buckling check
- Enable or disable the buckling analysis for members under bending such as beams.
- Select the edge that you want to check for buckling: Top Edge or Bottom Edge.
Note: The program does not take buckling into account if no edge is selected.
- Factors
- Contains the parameters required for the appropriate determination of adjusted factors.
Repetitive member
Changes the value of the repetitive member factor Cr to 1.15.
Use this option when a member is part of a group of three or more parallel members and these members are spaced 24 inches (610 mm) or less on center.
Note: When this option is not selected, the repetitive member factor Cr is equal to 1.0.
Incising factor
Applies an incising modification factor according to NDS 4.3.8 for Sawn Lumber.
Note: When this option is not selected, the default incising factor Ci for other wood types is equal to 1.0.
Buckling stiffness factor
In service moisture condition
Indicates if the wood member is subject to normal, i.e. Dry, or high, i.e. Wet, moisture conditions.
- Service
- Opens the Serviceability - Displacement Values dialog which allows you to define the limit displacements for a member.
- Other...
- Opens the Additional Parameters dialog which allows you to define the remaining member type parameters described in the code such as: equivalent moment factor, section parameters, etc.
- Save
- Adds the member type with its defined name and determined parameters to the list of previously defined steel member types.