Buckling analysis parameters

Use this dialog to define buckling analysis parameters for a load case.

  1. Click Analysis Analysis Types.
  2. Select an existing case, and then click Change analysis type.
  3. Select Buckling, and then click OK.

Dialog elements

The name of the load case.
Number of modes
The number of required buckling modes.
The value of tolerance that must be achieved during the iterative analysis of a structure. The default value is 0.0001.
Number of iterations
The maximum number of iterations.
If this number is exceeded and the required tolerance has not been achieved, the calculations of the structure are stopped. The default value is 40.
Subspace iteration / Block subspace iteration
The available methods for solving the eigenproblem.
Opens the Definition of shifts dialog which allows you to define shifts for the Block subspace iteration method.
Determine positive critical coefficients only
Excludes the non-physical buckling shapes during the buckling analysis of the structure.
Sturm check
Restarts the iterative calculations if the algorithm finds skipped vibration modes in the structure.

See also:

Description of the block subspace iteration

Selection of the result type (dynamic/buckling cases)