Reinforcement Pattern - Distributed reinforcement tab (RC wall)

The Distributed reinforcement tab allows you to define parameters of distributed reinforcement in the form of bars.


Select RC Design Provided reinforcement layout, and then create a new RC element or open an existing one.

Dialog elements

Note: The content of the dialog depends on the RC code selected during the wall design and some of the options may not be available.
Horizontal reinforcement
This is generated as uniformly distributed bars along the wall height. Ends of horizontal bars on edges of the wall (a span end, openings) depend on the defined option.

Preferred bar spacing (maximal and minimal) - Defines the preferred spacing for horizontal bars.

Diameter - Defines the bar diameter for horizontal bars.

Anchors - Defines the arrangement and distribution of anchors and parameters for anchors.

Vertical reinforcement

This includes bars running through the entire wall height. The manner of reinforcement generation depends on a code selected for RC calculations and a calculation method.

Using the BAEL classic method and calculations according to ACI, this reinforcement is generated as uniformly distributed along the entire wall section.

  • For the BAEL simplified method, vertical reinforcement is generated over the width of zones. Reinforcement zones are segments of the width resulting from the wall geometry and the character of the envelope of diagrams of stresses in the wall. In the case of tension reinforcement, reinforcing bars carry whole tensile stresses (the maximum value) in a given zone. In the case of compression, an area of vertical bar reinforcement is calculated to ensure that average tensile stresses can be carried by a given zone.
  • Adjacent zones of required vertical reinforcement may be combined into one zone when generating provided reinforcement. Such a solution allows selecting the optimal option of reinforcement distribution.

Preferred bar spacing (maximal and minimal) - Defines the preferred spacing for vertical bars.

Diameter -Defines the bar diameter for vertical bars.


Used to tie reinforcement layers positioned at the opposite wall surfaces (if the use of pins is required by the code). The BAEL code allows for the definition of the maximum spacing of pins. If the Ignore code conditions option is active, the generated spacing of pins will be such as the user has defined. Otherwise, the smaller of the spacings defined by the user and those required by the code will be chosen.

In the case of distributed reinforcement in the form of wire fabrics for BAEL, the horizontal as well as vertical spacing of pins results from a value specified directly by the user. The positions of pins do not take into account the actual positions of wire fabric bars, they are used only to estimate a number of pins in the wall based on a specified spacing. Special note should be taken if pins are distributed correctly in a real structure.

Diameter - Defines the bar diameter for pins.

The Save As option allows you to reuse a set of reinforcement pattern parameters. This set is saved to your current user directory. You can reuse this set for the other element in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog or assign it to the selected element (or selected elements of the same type) in the RC Component Inspector.

The Delete option allows you to remove the selected set of reinforcement pattern parameters.