Creating and Opening AutoLISP Files (AutoLISP/VS Code)

VS Code allows you to work many different types of files that are saved in plain text; this includes AutoLISP source (LSP), AutoLISP Menu source (MNL), and Dialog Control Language (DCL) files.

Creating a new LSP, MNL, or DCL file in VS Code is similar to creating a new file in most other applications with one exception. When you create a new file in most applications, the application automatically assumes the new file is of a specific type. For example, a new file in AutoCAD or Microsoft Word is assumed to be a drawing or document file. However, new files created in VS Code are recognized as a plain text file and are not assumed to be of a specific type.

A plain text file in VS Code is a file that has:

After you create a new file, save the file with its expected extension to help VS Code identify and enable all installed extensions associated for that file type. For example, if you save a new file with the extension of .lsp all the tools associated with the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension are enabled. Similarly, when opening a file, VS Code identifies a file's type based on its extension and enables all installed extensions based on the file's extension.

Tip: It is possible to force VS Code to create new files as being of a specific type. For example, if you primarily use VS Code to create and edit LSP files, you can set the Default Language setting of VS Code to autolisp. See FAQ: When I Create A New File, the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension Doesn’t Recognize the File Format? for more information on how to change the Default Language setting of VS Code.

When a new file has been saved, it can be managed from a folder on a local or network drive, or an AutoLISP project that has been opened in the AutoLISP Project Manager. For information on managing LSP files, see Managing AutoLISP Files with VS Code.