Create Profile From Surface Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to create profiles from existing surfaces, including profiles at offsets to parent alignments.

Each profile created here must be associated with a horizontal alignment and one or more surfaces.


Specifies the horizontal alignment along which to create the profile. Select an alignment by name, or click to select an alignment in the drawing.

Select Surfaces

Lists all surfaces in the current drawing. Select surfaces by name, or click to select surfaces in the drawing. To select multiple surfaces, hold down the Shift key while clicking with the mouse.

Chainage Range

Specifies the range of chainages along the parent alignment that are included in the profile. Default values represent the full length of the alignment. To set a different length, enter chainage values numerically, or click to select chainages in the drawing.

Sample Offsets

Specifies whether to create offset profiles. Select this option if you want offsets. Enter numeric values for the offset distances. Enter positive numbers for right offsets, negative numbers for left offsets, and commas to separate the values (for example, 10,-10,25). Click Add to add each set of profiles to the profile list.

Profile List

Lists the profiles that have been created for the specified alignment and surfaces. You cannot edit profiles that were created in a previous session. You can edit Profiles created in the current session.


Specifies the name of the profile. Default name strings are generated as defined in Profile Settings dialog box. Existing profiles for the parent alignment are also displayed in this list as unavailable entries.


Specifies optional description of the profile.


Specifies whether the profile represents surface or design layout.

Data Source

For surface profile, displays the name of the surface represented in the profile. For superimposed profiles, displays the name of the superimposed profile. For corridor profiles, specifies the name of the source corridor. Not used for layout profiles.


Specifies the offset distance from the centerline of the parent horizontal alignment: 0 for a centerline profile, a positive number for a right offset, a negative number for a left offset.

Update Mode

For surface profiles only. Specifies whether the profile is dynamic or static.

    Dynamic: The profile automatically updates to reflect changes in the surface level and the route traced by the parent horizontal alignment.

    Static: The profile shows surface levels at the time of its creation. It does not update to reflect changes that occur later.


Specifies the drawing layer on which the profile is placed.


Specifies the style used by the profile.

Chainage Start/End

Specifies the first and last chainage numbers for the profile. The chainage numbers represent distances along the parent horizontal alignment.

Level Minimum/Maximum

Specifies the highest and lowest level values that occur along the profile.


Removes a selected profile from the profile list. Any profiles removed in this way are unavailable for drawing in a profile view.

Draw in Profile View

Opens the Create Profile View wizard, configured to draw the current profiles.


Saves the profile data and closes the Create Profile from Surface dialog box. If one or more profile views are created along the alignment, the profiles you created are added to the views.


Cancels the creation of profiles.