Band Set Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to create a set of data box styles for profile views.
Best Fit Profile Report Vista
Use this vista to analyse the results of the regression that was used to create a profile by best fit through a series of objects.
Best Fit Profile Weeding Options Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to add or remove vertices along a linear feature, such as a feature line or AutoCAD element, when creating a profile by best fit.
Create Profile From Surface Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to create profiles from existing surfaces, including profiles at offsets to parent alignments.
Create Quick Profiles Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to create a temporary profile to view level information along a line, polyline, feature or plot line, survey figure, or surface.
Profile Layout Tools
Use the tools in this toolbar to draw and edit profiles and to analyze vertical straights and curves.
Profile Properties Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to view or change the properties of a profile, such as its name, style, and chainage data.
Profile Style Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to define profile styles that control the display and behavior of profiles.
Profile View Properties Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to view or change the properties of a profile view, including annotation, projected objects, and hatching.
Profile View Style Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to define profile view styles that control the format for titles, axis annotation, and other elements of a profile view.
Raise/Lower VIP Levels Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to change the level of an entire profile either for layout profiles or static surface profiles, or a range of chainages.
Superimpose Profile Options Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to specify the chainage range of a superimposed profile and the accuracy of curve approximation.