Display Tab (Profile Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to set the visibility and format of profile components, such as lines, curves, and arrows.

Profile components include:

Line: Solved lines with true straight lengths that are part of the profile geometry.

Circular Curve: Solved, circular curves that are true curve lengths within the profile.

Symmetrical Parabola: Solved, symmetrical parabola that are true curve lengths within the profile.

Asymmetrical Parabola: Solved, asymmetrical parabola that are true curve lengths within the profile.

Arrow: Shows the direction of the profile elements, either solved or unsolved.

Line Extensions: Line segments that extend beyond the solved portion of a line to a pass-through point or another constraint.

Parabolic Curve Extensions: Parabolic curve segments that extend beyond the solved portion of a parabolic curve to a pass-through point or another constraint.

Warning Symbol: Markers that identify elements that violate the rules specified in the design criteria file. This component only applies to profiles that use design criteria.

Notification Symbol: Markers that identify the profile geometry that is modified when the associated alignment changes. This component is displayed in the drawing when the Notify Which Entities Are Affected option is selected on the Profile Locking tab.

For more information, see Display Tab (Style Dialog Box).