Profile Locking Tab (Profile Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to specify options for anchoring the profile to the alignment.

Anchor Profile To Alignment
Specifies how the layout profile geometry is anchored in relation to the associated alignment.
  • Anchor Profile Geometry Points To Alignment Geometry Points: Locks each profile geometry point to the previous alignment geometry point. If the alignment changes, the level of the profile geometry point is maintained and elements are modified or deleted as needed.

    This option preserves portions of a layout profile that are not affected by a change to the horizontal geometry.

    If you choose to anchor the profile geometry points to the associated alignment geometry points, then you can also specify whether notifications are displayed and whether profile geometry is modified or deleted when the geometry of the alignment is changed. If you choose to have notifications displayed, then a notification icon is displayed at each affected geometry point.

    If you select this option, you can also select one of the following options:
    • Modify Selected Elements: Modifies profile elements that are affected if alignment changes. If you select this option, you can also select the Notify Which Elements Are Affected option, which adds a graphical marker to the drawing and to the Profile Elements dialog box to mark the modified profile elements.
      Note: When you are working in VIP mode, notifications are not displayed in the Profile Elements vista.
      Note: The appearance of the Notification Symbol can be controlled by modifying the profile style.
    • Delete Affected Elements: Deletes profile elements that are affected if alignment changes.
    Note: When the Anchor Profile Geometry Points To Alignment Geometry Points is selected for a profile and you run commands that affect the alignment stations (such as reversing the alignment direction, changing the reference point that is used for station control, or adding station equations), a prompt will be displayed asking you whether to proceed. If you choose to proceed, the associated profile may be modified or deleted.
  • Anchor Profile To Alignment Start: Locks the profile to the alignment start. If the horizontal alignment changes, the profile does not change, and stays locked to the alignment start station.
    Note: This setting replicates the behavior that is found in Autodesk Civil 3D 2014 and earlier versions of the product.