Expand an arm and click Outer ETW Construction in the left-hand pane. The Outer ETW Construction page is displayed.
The Entry Radius sets the entry section of the arm 's radius along the outer edge.
The Entry Taper Radius sets the initial entry taper radius along the outer edge.
The Inter-Arm Radius sets the radius where the arm meets the roundabout.
The Exit Radius Sets the exit section of the arm 's radius along the outer edge.
The Exit Taper Radius Sets the exit taper radius along the outer edge.
The Entry Radius sets the entry section of the arm 's radius along the outer edge as a ratio.
The EntryTaper Radius sets the initial entry taper radius along the outer edge as a ratio.
The Inter-Arm Radius sets the radius where the arm meets the roundabout as a ratio.
The Exit Radius Sets the exit section of the arm 's radius along the outer edge as a ratio.
The Exit Taper Radius Sets the exit taper radius along the outer edge as a ratio.