Use this tab to view or edit the rules included in this set of structure rules.
You can change values of existing rules, add rules, and or delete rules. You can also change the order in which rules are processed by changing the order in which they appear on this dialog.
Click this button to display the Add Rule dialog box where you can select a new rule to add to this rule set.
You can remove a rule from the rule set by selecting the rule on this dialog box and clicking this button.
You can change the order in which rules are processed by changing the order they appear on this dialog. Rules are processed sequentially, starting from the rule displaying at the bottom of this dialog box, and ending with the rule displayed at the top of this dialog box.
This rule compares all pipes connected to a single structure and ensures that pipes enter and exit the structure at logical locations. For more information, see About the Pipe Drop Across Structure Rule.
Determines the drop location by using the pipe’s invert, soffit, or centerline level.
Specifies what the drop value is between the lowest incoming pipe and any outgoing pipe connected to the structure.
Specifies the maximum drop value between the lowest incoming pipe and any outgoing pipe connected to the structure. Note that this parameter provides validation only; it does not alter (move or resize) the part in the drawing in any way. It simply produces a rule violation on the part if the specified value is exceeded.
This rule checks to see if pipes entering a structure have a diameter or width that exceeds a specified maximum value. For more information, see About the Maximum Pipe Size Check Structure Rule.
For circular pipes, this parameter measures the pipe diameter. For rectangular pipes, it measures width. If a pipe diameter or width exceeds the maximum value, a warning is issued on the structure. Note that this parameter provides validation only; it does not alter (move or resize) the part in the drawing in any way. It simply produces a rule violation on the part if the specified value is exceeded.
This rule specifies the sump depth, or the vertical distance from the invert of the lowest pipe attached to the structure to the inside bottom of the Structure, see About the Set Sump Depth Structure Rule.
Determines the sump depth.
Specifies what the drop value is between the lowest incoming pipe and any outgoing pipe connected to the structure.
Specifies the maximum drop value between the lowest incoming pipe and any outgoing pipe connected to the structure. Note that this parameter provides validation only; it does not alter (move or resize) the part in the drawing in any way. It simply produces a rule violation on the part if the specified value is exceeded.