Roundabout Properties: Sign Location

Select a sign location in the right-hand pane and click Edit. The Sign Location page is displayed.

Select Enabled to display this sign.

You cannot change the Name of the sign.

Select the Position from the drop-down list. Signs may be positioned On Approach Road, On Departing Road, On Centre Island or On Splitter Island.

Signs are positioned relative to road features, so that when the road geometry changes, the signs can be adjusted too.

The Lateral Offset is the straight line distance From Nearside Kerb, From Nearside Definition Line, From Offside Kerb, From Offside Definition Line or From Centreline.

The Longitudinal Offset is the straight line distance From ICD Yield Line, From Crossing, From Crossing then ICD Yield Line, From Lane Yield Line, From Lane Yield Line then ICD Yield Line, or From Centre of Roundabout.

The Post Height is measured Above Road Alignment Level, Above Catch Basin Level, Above Crown Level, Above Kerb Level or Above Post Ground Level.

Signs on approach or departing roads are aligned to the road alignment at the sign offset by default. Signs on the centre island are aligned to face directly outwards radially by default.

To rotate all the signs at this location, set the Angular Adjustment. This is measured positive anti-clockwise.

By default, signs have a single post centred on the sign width. To specify multiple posts, enter the Number of Posts and the Post Spacing.

The Post Radius is set to 50 mm by default, but can be changed if required.

Select Show 2D Images to place true scale images of the signs adjacent to the sign post oriented to the direction they face. Select from the adjacent drop down list to Apply to this sign only, Apply to entire Leg or Apply to entire roundabout.

Enter a Reference if required.

In all cases, the Max and Min values represent the limiting values from the adopted design standard.