To Create Rail Platform Edges

Add a platform edge along a rail alignment in your drawing.

  1. Click Rail tab Platform Edge panel Create Find.
  2. Select an alignment in your drawing. Optionally, you can press Enter to specify a specific alignment in the Select Alignment dialogue box.
  3. In the Create Platform Edge dialog box, name the platform edge and assign it a profile (if required).
  4. Specify the following settings:
    • Track Gauge
    • Calculation Interval
    • Chainage Range or Length
    • Side
    • Rail Type
  5. Click OK. This generates the platform edge feature line that will dynamically linked with its parent alignment.
    Note: Platform edge information will be added to the Property Set Definitions of the drawing for documentation.

    Tip: Visit the Have You Tried?: Rail Design article to see how you can use Civil 3D to streamline your rail design workflow.