Create/Edit Platform Edge Dialogue Box

Use this dialog box to create or edit a platform edge offset of an alignment at a rail platform.

Specifies the name of the platform edge.
Note: To name the platform edge, click on its default name and enter a new name or use the naming template. Opens the Name Template dialogue box, where you can modify the platform edge naming template.
Specifies the parent alignment of the platform edge.
Specifies the assigned profile of the platform edge.
Track Gauge
Specifies the distance between the inner faces of the two rails of the parent alignment.
Calculation Interval
Specifies the tessellation interval for the platform edge feature line.

Chainage Range

Start Chainage

Specifies the chainage along the alignment from which the platform edge is drawn.

End Chainage

Specifies the chainage along the alignment to which the platform edge is drawn.


Specifies a specific length for the platform edge from the Start Chainage. The End Chainage is modified to accommodate the length.


Specifies the side of the alignment on which the platform edge is calculated in respect to the direction of the parent alignment. Specify either Right Side or Left Side.

Rail Type

Heavy Rail
Heavy rail type calculation for platform edges uses equations and lookup tables to find country specific standards. If you select this option, specify the design criteria file to use.
Design Criteria File
Specifies the location of the platform edge standards for the drawing. The standards are supplied as JSON files located in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2024\eng\Data\Railway Design Standards\Platform Edge.
Available standards include:
  • Belgium
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • US (imperial and metric)
Simple Geometry
Simple geometry calculation for platform edges uses the specifications of a single carriage as a basis. This is a quick prototyping tool that you can use to define parameters for manual calculation. It assumes that the carriage is symmetrical and it will assume that there is a single axle when Axle Spacing is set to zero. The calculated offset from the carriage is adjusted to take into account the effect of cant at that chainage.
Carriage Length

Length of the carriage used to calculate the platform edge.

Carriage Width

Width of the carriage used to calculate the platform edge.

Bogie Offset

The offset distance of the carriage bogies measured from the ends inward.

Axle Spacing

The distance between the axles on the carriage. If this is set to 0, it will assume a single axle.

Offset from Carriage

A required offset from the platform to the carriage.

Safety Tolerance

An additional offset from the carriage to the platform to accommodate left and right movement of the carriage.

Platform Height

The distance of the platform edge above the rail.