To Create a Corridor Slope Stake Report

Create a report that lists the cross sectional and slope break data along a specified corridor link.

  1. In the Toolspace, on the Toolbox tab, expand Miscellaneous Utilities Reports Corridor. Double-click Slope Stake Report.
  2. In the Create Reports - Slope Stake Report dialog box, under Select Report Components, specify the corridor, alignment, sample line group, and corridor link to include in the report. Click to add the selection to the list of corridors.
  3. To modify the starting and ending chainages that are reported for a corridor, select a corridor in the list and specify the starting and ending chainages under Report Settings.
  4. To include images in the report, select Display Section Images In the Report and optionally select Display Highway Boundary In Graphics and specify the point code for the right of way.
    Note: When including images, only one chainage is included per page of the report. If you choose not to include images, you can specify the number of chainages to include per page.
  5. To include the cut and fill information for the point codes, select Display Point Code Cut/Fill. By selecting this check box, cut, fill, and slope information is added to the report. This information is calculated from catch point (CP) to centerline (CL) for each gradient break.
  6. Under Report Settings, enter values for the data that will be included in the report header.
  7. Under Save Report To, click to browse to the location to which you want to save the report, enter a file name, and select a file format.
  8. Click Create Report.

    The report is displayed, and is saved to the specified location.