Recent Page (Start Tab)

Use the Recent page to open recently-used documents.

Tip: The number of files shown on the Recent page is based on the Number of Recently Used Files setting under Application Menu on the Open and Save tab of the AutoCAD Options dialogue box.

Document Information

Displays document names.

Click a document to open it in Civil 3D.

File Type
Displays whether the document is stored on the cloud (in Autodesk Docs) or whether it is stored locally. Move your cursor over the icon to see the file path.
Last Opened Time
Displays the time and date you last opened the document.
Lets you pin a document in place so it will always be accessible on the Recent page. Move your cursor over the column and then click the pin icon .

Select Columns

Opens a list for selecting which columns to display on the page.


Displays commands for opening documents. Click the icon and then click Open or Open Read-Only.