Roundabout Properties: Arm: Splitter Island Crossing

Expand an arm and click Splitter Island Crossing in the left-hand pane. The Splitter Island Crossing pane is displayed.

You can create a crossing through the splitter island without adding a crossing to the arm.

Note: Splitter Island must be selected on the Splitter Island pane so the fields in this dialog box are available to be edited.

The Island Crossing Type may be Projected, Bridged or Refuge.

The Offset from Entry Intersection is measured along the offside (or splitter) definition line from the intersection of that line and the inscribed circle.

The Entry Crossing Width is measured perpendicular to the angle of the crossing and is the width of the initial crossing opening on the entry side.

The Offset from Entry Intersection is measured along the offside (or splitter) definition line from the intersection of that line and the inscribed circle.

The Exit Crossing Width is measured perpendicular to the angle of the crossing and is the width of the initial crossing opening on the exit side.

The Refuge Width applies only to Refuge type crossings. It is the width of the crossing on the section approximately parallel to the approach road.

The Kerb Offset is the offset of the kerb from the edge of the crossing.

The Entry Corner Radius applies a curve to the splitter island 's corners adjacent to the crossing.

The Internal Corner Radius applies a curve to the splitter island is internal side.

The External Corner Radius applies a curve to the splitter island 's external side.

Note: The values that define the crossing width and its distance from the roundel ICD are shared with the same values on the Crossing Properties pane. Changing one of these values on one pane updates the other pane 's value.