Label Expression Operators

Note: Logical operators return 1.0 for true and 0.0 for false. Since they return values, you can perform logical AND and OR with addition and multiplication. For example: ((a<b) + (b>c)) tests for a < b or b > c. ((a<b)*(b>c)) tests for a<b and b>c.
Symbol Operator Definition
= logical equals
!= logical not equals
! logical not
< logical less-than
> logical greater-than
<= logical less-than or equals
>= logical greater-than or equals
And boolean "AND"
~ logical approximately equal
<~ logical less-than or approximately equal
>~ logical greater-than or approximately equal
Or boolean "OR"
+ binary addition
- binary subtraction
* binary multiplication
/ binary division
- unary minus
+ unary plus
^ power