Label Expression Functions


Functions can be either upper case or lower case but not mixed case. The editor buttons will always insert functions in upper case. Unless otherwise stated, theta is in radians.

ABS(x) Returns the absolute value of x.
ACOS(x) Returns the arccosine of x.
ASIN(x) Returns the arcsine of x.
ATAN(x) Returns the arctangent of x.
ATAN2(y,x) Returns the arctangent of y/x in the correct quadrant based on sines of x and y.
CEIL(x) Ceiling function: returns the smallest integer that is not less than x. For example, CEIL(1/3) is 1.
COS(theta) Returns the cosine of theta.
COSH(theta) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of theta.
COT(theta) Returns the cotangent of theta.
COTH(theta) Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of theta.
CSC(theta) Returns the cosecant of theta.
CSCH(theta) Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of theta.
DEG2GRD(theta) Converts theta in degrees to gradians.
DEG2RAD(theta) Converts theta in degrees to radians.
DRVSTN(x) Returns the derived chainage from a raw chainage x, using the chainage equations. This function is meaningful only for elements that support chainage equations (alignments, vertical alignments, sample lines, graph profiles, pipes and structures).
EXP(x) Returns the exponential of x.
FLOOR(x) Returns the largest integer that is less-than or equal to x. For example, FLOOR(3/2) is 1.
FMOD(x,y) Returns the floating point remainder of x/y.
GRD2DEG(theta) Converts theta in gradians to degrees.
GRD2RAD(theta) Converts theta in gradients to radians.

Evaluates test - if test is non-zero evaluates and returns true_val else evaluates and returns false_val. True_val and false_val can be any expression.

For example, where x is a Property:


The above tests x to see if it is zero, and if it is, the expression returns 1. If x is non-zero, the expression returns sin(x)/x.

LOG(x) Returns the log (base e) of x.
LOG10(x) Returns the log (base 10) of x.
MAX(a,b) Returns maximum value of a and b.
MIN(a,b) Returns minimum value of a and b.
POW(x,y) Returns x raised to the y power.
POW10(x) Returns x raised to 10.
RAD2DEG(theta) Converts theta in radians to degrees.
RAD2GRD(theta) Converts theta in radians to gradians.
ROUND(x) Rounds x to the nearest integer.
ROUNDDOWN(x,y) Rounds x down toward zero to y number of decimal places. For example, ROUNDDOWN(3.2,0) rounds down to zero decimal places. The result is 3. ROUNDDOWN(3.14159,3) rounds down to three decimal places. The result is 3.141.
ROUNDUP(x,y) Rounds x up away from zero to y number of decimal places. For example, ROUNDUP(3.2,0) rounds up to zero decimal places. The result is 4. ROUNDUP(3.14159,3) rounds up to 3 decimal places. The result is 3.142.
SIN(theta) Returns the sin of theta.
SEC(theta) Returns the secant of theta.
SECH(theta) Returns the hyperbolic secant of theta.
SINH(theta) Returns the hyperbolic sin of theta.
SQR(x) Returns x squared (x*x).
SQRT(x) Returns the square root of x.
TAN(theta) Returns the straight of theta.
TANH(theta) Returns the hyperbolic straight of theta.
TRUNC(x) Truncates x to an integer value.