Bands Tab (Section View Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to edit properties that manage the data boxes for the section view.

Band Type

Specifies which type of data box to add to the section view. Select a band type in the list: either Section Data or Section Segment.

Select Band Style

Specifies the style for the band. Select a band style in the list.

Creates, copies, or edits a style using the Cross Section Band Style dialog box. Click the down arrow to display the style selection menu:

  • Create New: Creates a new style.
  • Copy Current Selection: Copies the current style.
  • Edit Current Selection: Edits the current style.

Displays details about an existing style. Select the style by name in the list. Click to open the Style Detail. Preview the style and creation information.


Adds the specified data box type to the set for this section view. Before clicking, ensure that the settings are correct for data box type, style, and location.

List Of Bands


Specifies the location where you want to draw the data box relative to the current section view.

  • Bottom Of Section View: Draws the data box at the bottom (below) the current section view.
  • Top Of Section View: Draws the data box at the top (above) the current section view.
Band Type

Displays the current data box type that was added using the Band Type list.


Specifies the name of the band style that was added using the Select Band Style list. To change the style, click in this column to open the Select Style dialog box. Select a band style in the list or use the standard controls to create a new style, copy or edit the current style selection, or pick a style from the drawing.


Specifies the optional description of the band style.


Specifies the distance in plotted units between the current data box and the previous data box (or the nearest section view axis). Enter a positive gap value in plotted units.

  • For bands below the section view grid, the specified gap is measured from the top of the current band to the bottom of the previous band (or the section view bottom axis, if the current band is the first one).
  • For bands above the section view grid, the specified gap is measured from the bottom of the current band to the top of the previous band (or the section view top axis, if the current band is the first one).
Label Start Offset

Specifies whether or not the start end of the band is labeled.

Label End Offset

Specifies whether or not the end of the band is labeled.


Specifies two sections that are used by the band styles to annotate either levels or the level differences between the two sections. Select the section(s) by name in the list.

Note: The Section 2 column is not available for a Segment band type row.

Used only for labels at vertical geometry points on Section Data boxes. Vertical geometry points or gradient breaks that are closer than the weeding factor are removed, making it easier to read the remaining labels. Enter a positive number to specify a label exclusion distance.

Stagger Labels

Specifies the location of the label staggering line: No staggering, Stagger both sides, Stagger to right, or Stagger to left.

Stagger Line Height

Specifies the height of the label stagger line.

Moves the selected data box up in the list.

Note: The order in this list is the order in which the bands appear below/above the section view.

Moves the selected data box down in the list.

Deletes the selected data box from the list and removes it from the section view.

Match Major/Minor Increments to Vertical Grid Intervals

Specifies if the cross section box major/minor interval distances for section views matches the section view style’s major/minor grid spacing intervals. Select the check box to match major/minor increments to vertical grid intervals. If this check box is selected, the major/minor interval fields are unavailable.

Import Band Set

Imports a band set. In the Band Set dialog box, select an existing band set to be added to the current section view in the list.

Save As Band Set

Saves a new band set. Click to open the Section View Band Set dialog box. Save the current list of bands as a band set for use with other section views.