To Edit Alignments With Grips

To use grips to edit a fixed line

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment containing a fixed line.

    Grips for a fixed line with two pass-through points:

  2. Use the grips to edit the line:
    • Use the end grips to adjust the line length and pass-through point.
    • Use the center grip to move the location of the line.

To use grips to edit a fixed curve with three pass-through points

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment containing a fixed curve through three points.

    Grips for a fixed curve with three pass-through points:

  2. Move any grip to change a pass-through point, which changes the radius of the curve.

To use grips to edit a fixed curve with a center point and radius

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that contains a fixed curve with a center point and radius.

    Grips on a fixed curve with a center point and radius:

  2. Use the grips to edit the curve:
    • Move a triangular grip to change the radius.
    • Move the center grip to change the center point of the circle.
    • Move a circular grip on the circle to change a pass-through point.

To use grips to edit a fixed curve with a center point and a pass-through point

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that contains a fixed curve with a center point and a pass-through point.

    Grips for a fixed curve with a center point and a pass-through point:

  2. Use the grips to edit the curve:
    • Move the center grip to change the center point of the circle.
    • Move the grip on the circle to change the pass-through point.

To use grips to edit fixed or floating intersecting lines

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that contains either a fixed or a floating straight.

    IP (intersection point) grip where the endpoints of a fixed or floating straight meet:

  2. Move the IP grip in any direction to edit the shared endpoints of the two lines.

To use grips to edit a floating straight with a pass-through point

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that contains a floating straight with a pass-through point.

    Grip for a floating straight with a pass-through point:

  2. Move the square grip to edit the endpoint of the line.

To use grips to edit a floating straight attached to an element end

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that contains a floating straight attached to an element.

    Grips for a floating straight attached to an element:

  2. Move the triangular grip to change the length of the line.
    Note: You cannot move the triangular grip to the beginning of the line grip. Zero length lines are not permitted.

To use grips to edit a floating curve with a pass-through point and radius

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that has a floating curve with a pass-through point and radius.

    Grips for a floating curve with a pass-through point:

  2. Use the grips to edit the curve.
    • Moving the first circular grip, located at the PC/TP point of the curve, relocates the tangent point (TP). Use this grip to create a compound or reverse curve with another curve attached to the same element.

      Changing a curve using the PC/TP grip:

    • Moving the second circular grip, located at the mid-point of the curve, modifies the radius while changing the pass-through point.

      Changing a curve using the midpoint grip:

    • Moving the square grip at the end of the curve changes the pass-through point of the curve while holding the curve radius.

      Changing a curve using the end grip:

    • Moving the triangular grip changes the radius while holding the pass-through point.

      Changing a curve using the radius grip:

To use grips to edit a floating curve attached to an element end with a pass-through point

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that contains a floating curve attached to an element end with a pass-through point.

    Grips for a floating curve attached to an element end with a pass-through point:

  2. Move the circular grip to change the pass-through point at the end of the curve. Moving the pass-through point also changes the radius.

To use grips to edit a free curve by radius

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment that has a free curve. Move any grip to modify the curve radius.

    Grips for changing the curve radius:

  2. Use the grips to edit the curve:
    • Move the circular grips along straight elements to adjacent PC/TP points on the opposite end of the same straight to create reverse or compound solutions.

      Endpoint grips for dragging the beginning or end of the curve along the attachment element:

    • Move the circular, mid-point grip to modify the pass-through point and radius for the curve. Move the triangular grip to modify the radius for the curve while holding the pass-through point. By moving either of these grips, you can create a curve of less than or greater than 180 degrees.

      Changing the radius to less than 180 degrees:

      Changing the radius to greater than 180 degrees using the circular pass-through point grip:

      Changing the radius to greater than 180 degrees using the triangular radius grip:

To use grips to edit a free curve with a pass-through point

  1. In the drawing, click an alignment with a free curve and a pass-through point.

    Grips for a free curve with a pass-through point:

  2. Move the circular grip to change the pass-through point of the curve. This pass-through point is maintained when you edit the attached elements.