General Tab (Create Connected Alignment Dialog Box)

Use this dialog box to create an alignment that connects two existing alignments and optionally create a connected profile.

Connected Alignment Name

Specifies the format of the alignment name. If you want to change this format, click the button to open the Name Template dialog box.


Specifies an optional description of the alignment.

Connection In

Specifies the first alignment to connect. The field displays the first alignment that you already selected in the drawing. Click to select a different alignment if needed.

Connection Out

Specifies the second alignment to connect. The field displays the second alignment that you already selected in the drawing. Click to select a different alignment if needed.

General Tab


Specifies a site for the alignment. Select a site from the list, or click to either create a site or select one from an object in the drawing. The alignment and the object you select in the drawing are associated with the same site.

Note: The default selection is <None>, which places the alignment in the top-level Alignments collection in Prospector. See About Alignment and Site Interaction for more information.
Alignment Style List

Displays the current style. Click the arrow to select another alignment style in the drawing.

Style Selection

Specifies the style options. Create a style, copy or edit the current style selection, or pick a style from drawing.

Style Detail

Opens the Style Detail dialog box. Preview the style and creation information.

Alignment Layer Display List

Displays the layer on which the alignment object will be created.

Object Layer

Opens the Object Layer dialog box, in which you can select or create a layer on which to draw the alignment.

Alignment Label Set List

Displays the default alignment label set. You can either accept the default label set, or use the list to select a different one from the drawing.

Label Set Selection

Edits or copies the current label set, or creates a label set. The Style Detail icon previews the current style.

Style Detail

Opens the Style Detail dialog box. Preview the label set and creation information.

For information about the Design Criteria options, see Design Criteria Tab.

For information about the Parameters options, see Parameters Tab.

For information about the Connected Profile options, see Connected Profile Tab.