Section Editor Ribbon Tab

Use this ribbon to view and modify cross-sections at chainages along a corridor.



Performs an inquiry at a selected chainage.

Baselines and Offsets

Select a Baseline

Specifies the baseline alignment for a corridor for which you want to view or edit sections. Click the down arrow to select from the available alignments.

Selects a baseline in the drawing.

Chainage Selection

Displays the corridor section view at the first or Start Chainage on the corridor.

Use the Start Chainage button and the Next Chainage button to view the change in daylight level along the corridor.

Displays the corridor section at the last chainage of the previous region.

Displays the corridor section view at the Previous Chainage on the corridor.

Chainage Type List
Filters the Select a Chainage list by type of chainage:
  • All Baseline Stations: Displays all chainages on the current baseline.
  • Region Chainages: Displays only chainages that are in a corridor region.
  • Overridden Chainages: Displays only chainages that have assembly overrides.
  • Non-Region Chainages: Displays only chainages that are not in a corridor region.
Select a Chainage

Lists all the chainages for which there are baseline chainages. Click to select a chainage.

Displays the corridor section view at the Next Chainage on the corridor.

Displays the corridor section at the first chainage of the next region.

Displays the corridor section view at the End Chainage on the corridor.

Use the End Chainage button and the Previous Chainage button to view the change in daylight level along the corridor.

Displays the section view at the point specified in the plan or profile view or the chainage value entered.

Use this tool to view a corridor section between corridor chainages.

Save Intermediate Chainage

Saves the current intermediate chainage as either a region chainage or a non-region chainage.

After the intermediate chainage has been saved, it will be displayed in the Select a Chainage List.

Corridor Edit Tools

Parameter Editor

Edits the subassembly parameters of selected corridor sections.

Edit the override locations and values of selected subassemblies in the Corridor Parameter Editor vista.

Change Assembly

Changes the assembly used in the current region.

The selected assembly is displayed in the preview window. In Prospector, a green triangle indicates which assembly is being previewed. You can either apply the preview to the current region, or cancel and revert to the existing assembly.

Apply to a Chainage Range

Applies the subassembly overrides to a list of chainages. Click to open the Apply to a Range of Chainages dialog box, where you can specify the range.

Only the overrides that you create by editing the subassembly parameters can be applied to a range of chainages. Geometric overrides, such as adding or deleting points and links, cannot be applied to a range of chainages.

Update Corridor

Rebuilds the corridor using the subassembly overrides.

All corridor surfaces and any other data that derives from the corridor are updated with the subassembly overrides. Has no effect when no overrides are present or when the corridor is set to rebuild automatically.

Note: When you close the Section Editor ribbon, the corridor is automatically rebuilt with the changes.
Add Point

Prompts you to add points to a subassembly by selecting a link in the corridor section view. The point is placed at the midpoint of the link.

The points at the end of the links retain the codes from the original link.

Delete Point

Prompts you to delete points from a subassembly by selecting a point in the corridor section view.

All links connected to deleted points are also deleted.

Add Link

Prompts you to add links by selecting points within a subassembly to connect.

You cannot add a link by connecting points from two different subassemblies.

Delete Link

Prompts you to delete links from a subassembly by selecting links in the corridor section view.

The points that were connected in order to create the deleted link are not deleted.

Add Subassembly

Prompts you to add subassemblies by attaching a new subassembly to an existing subassembly or by inserting a new subassembly between two existing subassemblies.

If you insert a subassembly between two existing subassemblies, the Override column (in the assembly parameters) displays True.

Delete Subassembly

Prompts you to delete subassemblies by selecting a subassembly to delete in the corridor section view.

If the deleted subassembly connected two subassemblies, the remaining subassemblies are attached to each other.

Edit User Defined Code

Prompts you to edit or delete user-defined feature codes by selecting a subassembly point marker, link, or shape in the corridor section view.

If the corridor is not set to rebuild automatically, click Rebuild. Corridor surfaces and any other data that is derived from the corridor are updated using overrides.

Analyze Tools

Chainage Tracker Off

Turns off the chainage tracker line.

The chainage tracker line will not be displayed in any viewports.

Current Viewport

Turns on the chainage tracker line in the current viewport.

When you apply this command to an active viewport, the chainage tracker line is visible when you move the cursor near a corresponding alignment, profile, or section view that is in a different viewport.

All Viewports

Turns on the chainage tracker line in all viewports.

When you apply this command, the chainage tracker line is visible in all viewports when you move the cursor near a corresponding alignment, profile, or section view.


Specifies the behavior and display of the chainage tracker line.

You can specify the visibility and color of the tracker line in various contexts, such as alignment, profile view, and section editor offset and level.

View Tools

Zoom to Extents

Click to zoom to the extents of the corridor section view.

Zoom to an Offset and Level

Click to lock the zoom to level and offset.

Zoom to Subassembly

Click to lock the zoom to a subassembly object. Opens the Pick Subassembly dialog box.

Edit/View Options

Sets the view/edit corridor section options.

In the View/Edit Corridor Section Options dialog box you can specify a new view scale, section view, or code set style, and select to automatically rebuild the corridor.

Viewport Configuration

Specify the viewport configuration for the Section Editor

Display Objects

Specify types of objects to be displayed in the Section Editor



Applies the preview assembly to the current corridor region.


Exits preview mode without applying the preview assembly.

Edit Preview Targets

Change targets for preview assembly before applying the preview assembly to the corridor region



Closes the Corridor Section Editor ribbon and exits the corridor section view.