Offset Parameters Tab (Alignment Properties Dialog Box)

For a dependent offset alignment, use this tab to set properties of the offset.

Parent Alignment


Specifies the name of the parent alignment, which controls the offset alignment.

Nominal Offset Value

Specifies the offset distance from the parent alignment.

Start Chainage – Lock to Start of Parent

Specifies the chainage of the parent alignment where the offset alignment begins. Enter a chainage value, or select the check box to begin the offset at the start of the parent alignment.

End Chainage – Lock to End of Parent

Specifies the chainage of the parent alignment where the offset alignment ends. Enter a chainage value, or select the check box to extend the offset to the end of the parent alignment.

Update Mode

Specifies whether the offset alignment reacts to edits of the parent alignment:

  • Dynamic. The offset is updated with any changes to the parent alignment.
  • Static. The offset alignment geometry is preserved, unaffected by changes to the parent alignment.
Lock Mode

For dynamic update mode, specifies how the offset alignment is associated with the geometry of the parent alignment:

  • Geometry Locking. The start and end of the offset are located in relation to the nearest geometry points on the parent alignment.
  • Chainage Locking. The start and end of the offset are locked to the specified start and end chainages on the parent alignment.
Superelevation Type
Specifies whether the offset alignment can have superelevation or cant applied to it.
  • Superelevation. The offset alignment can have superelevation values applied to it.
  • Cant. The offset alignment can have cant values applied to it. When you create an offset alignment from a parent alignment which has Rail specified as its alignment type, the Superelevation Type is set to Cant by default.
    Note: When you select this option, the Rail Parameters tab also becomes available in the Alignment Properties dialog box.