Project Objects to Profile View Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify objects in the current drawing to be projected into a profile view.

To highlight an object in the drawing, select its row in this table.


Displays the objects that can be projected, divided into categories. Select the ones you want to project.


Specifies the current style for each object. You can change the style used to project an object. Select <set all> at the category level to change all objects in that category in one operation.

Level Options

Specifies how the level of each object is determined. Longitudinal objects, such as feature lines and 3D polylines, have multiple level values; their level options can differ from those for point objects.

  • Use Object: Level is read from the object properties.
  • Surface: The object is set to the level of a selected surface.
  • Manual: You can specify the level. This option cannot be used with longitudinal objects.
  • Profile: The object is set to the level of a selected profile.
  • <set all>: Used at the category level to specify the level option for all projected objects in the category.
Note: The Level Option and Level Value cannot be specified for bridges that have been brought into Civil 3D from InfraWorks.
Level Value

Specifies the level of each projected object. You can change the value here for point objects if the level option is manual.

Label Style
Specifies the style of label applied to the projected object. Select <none> to display no label. Select <set all> at the category level to set a label style for all projected objects in the category.
Note: Labels can be added to all non-linear object types (solids, blocks, multi-view blocks, points, COGO points and bridges).
Pick Objects

Click to select objects in the drawing and add them to the profile view.