Roundabout Properties: General

Click General in the left hand pane. The General page is displayed.

General properties

The Type is read-only and displays the type of roundabout that you are editing.

The roundabout ID is also read-only. The ID is used when roundabouts are listed in the Drawing Explorer.

Enter Name, Description and/or Notes as required.

The Standard Used contains the name of the controlling standard. That is, the standard that specifies the design limits. You may change the controlling standard by clicking on the adjacent ... button. Select the required new standard and click OK. None of the geometry changes, but the new limits are applied and may cause additional warnings to be displayed.

Appearance properties

The Draw Style determines how the roundabout is displayed. To change to a different style, select the required style from the drop-down list box. To view at or edit the current style click the … button. The Edit Drawing Style dialogue is displayed.

Surface properties

Existing Surface Select from the drop-down list or use the Pick button to go to a drawing and select an object on the surface.

Final Surface is the surface onto which objects can be projected. Select from the drop-down list or use the Pick button to go to a drawing and select an object on the surface.

Select Project plan onto final surface to display the roundabouts draped over the surface.