About Profile View Band Styles

Profile view band styles control the location and content of data boxes.

Use the Toolspace Settings tab to create and edit profile view band styles. Use the Profile View Properties dialog box to specify which data band styles to use and where to place them on the profile view.

Data band labels are label objects that can be manipulated like other Autodesk Civil 3D label objects.

The types of data band styles that you can create:

This type of data box style...

Provides this type of annotation...

Profile Data

Stations, level of one or two profiles at each station and level difference between two profiles at the station

Note: The individual geometry points to label can be specified with the Profile Data band type.

Vertical Geometry

Geometric details of vertical straights and curves

Horizontal Geometry

Geometric details of horizontal straights, curves, and transitions


Critical transition chainages and transition diagrams for the superelevation at curves

Long Section

Sampled station, material, typical section details, incremental distance and volume, balanced volume information

Cant Data

Applied cant and equilibrium cant lines and labels and ticks at specified locations, including End Level Rail, Begin Full Cant, End Full Cant, Begin Level Rail and Cant Manual Station

Point Proximity

The distance between points in a point group and the alignment within an alert distance and beyond the alert distance

Note: You can manually update point proximity bands, or you can enable a setting so that they are updated automatically. For more information, see To Update Point Proximity Bands in Profile View.

Alignment Proximity

The distance between an alignment and the parent alignment within an alert distance, beyond the alert distance and the closest and furthest points


Design speeds, design speed stations and critical points

Pipe Network

Locations and key dimensions of pipe network parts, offset, level, direction

Pressure Network

Labels and ticks for pressure pipes, fittings and ancillaries

When you need a new data band style, it is usually easiest to find an existing style that is similar to what you need, then copy it and make the required changes. You can also create one and change whatever default values are not suitable.

The notes in this section describe what is unique to profile data bands.

Tutorial Exercise: Working with Profile View Data Bands