To Validate Parts in a Catalog

Use this procedure to validate parts you have changed or added to a part catalog. Validating a part catalog steps through the catalog structure and verifies its parts. Remember that only valid parts are available during part selection.

  1. Verify that the appropriate part catalog is the current catalog that is selected in the Part Catalog field of the Getting Started - Catalog Screen dialog box.

    For example, if you want to validate the pipe catalog, make sure Pipe is selected in the Part Catalog field. If you want to validate the structure catalog, make sure Structure is selected in the Part Catalog field.

  2. On the Part Builder Getting Started - Catalog Screen dialog box, click the Catalog Test button.

    The Test Catalog feature steps through the catalog structure and validates part sizes by verifying that necessary part size information exists for each part size. The Catalog Test dialog box is displayed, showing the status of the testing process. When the catalog test is complete, an AutoCAD alert dialog box is displayed, reporting the results of the test.

  3. To verify that the part sizes in the part catalog have been validated, open Windows Explorer.
  4. Navigate to the part catalog location C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Pipes Catalog\<part folder>\Validate, and double-click the Validate folder located in the same directory as the appropriate Autodesk part catalog (APC) file.
  5. In the Validate folder, open Catalog_Validation_Summary.txt, and scroll through the file to verify that all the part sizes have been validated. If a part was not validated, an error notice in the file states which information is missing for the part size.