Edit Feature Settings - Structure Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view and change structure-related settings.

For additional feature-specific pipe network setting information, see Edit Feature Settings – Pipe Network Dialog Box.

Inlet Details for Part Builder Structures

Use these settings to define default values for parts that don't currently have these values applied. These values are applicable to parts created with the Part Builder and are used by the Analyse Gravity Network command for inlet analysis calculations.

Note: With the addition of the ability to map drainage structure parameters, the Use Frame Dimensions for Inlet Dimensions setting has been removed. For more information about drainage structure parameter mapping, see To Map Drainage Structure Parameters for Gravity Network Analysis. If drainage structure parameters are not mapped, the default values specified below will be used.
Gully Width
Specifies the default gully width for gully or combination inlets. This dimension is perpendicular to flow along the channel.
Gully Length
Specifies the default gully length for gully or combination inlets. This dimension is in the direction of flow along the channel.
Gully Open Area
Specifies the default gully open area for gully or combination inlets. This is the area between the bars of the gully through which water can flow.
Kerb Opening Height
Specifies the kerb opening height for kerb or combination inlets.
Kerb Opening Length
Specifies the kerb opening length for kerb or combination inlets.

Channel Detail Defaults

The Channel Detail Defaults settings are not physical properties of the inlet structure but rather are properties of the carriageway area around the inlet. They're used by the Analyse Gravity Network command for inlet analysis calculations for grate inlets, kerb inlets, or combination inlets.

Road Sx
Specifies the road cross slope.
Channel Sw
Specifies the channel cross slope.
Channel Width
Specifies the channel width.
Longitudinal Slope
Specifies the slope along the road at the inlet. This property is used for on-gradient inlets.
Channel n Value
Specifies the roughness of the channel material (usually a type of concrete).
Local Depression
Specifies the level difference between the inlet opening and the channel when the inlet is depressed.