About Analysing and Sizing a Gravity Pipe Network

You can use the Analyse Gravity Network command to resize pipes and reset inverts and to compute the energy and hydraulic gradient lines according to HEC-22 standards.

You can use this utility to:

Following is a before and after example of analysis results for a pipe network shown in profile view.

Pipe network before resizing Pipe network after resizing

There are three analysis types you can select: Resize Pipes and Reset Inverts, Compute Energy and Hydraulic Gradient Lines and Inlet Analysis.

The calculations are based on the Urban Drainage Design Manual Third Edition, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22 (HEC-22), published by the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.

Workflow Prerequisites

Some prerequisites are required before doing an analysis, depending on the type of analysis you want to do.

Specifying Default Settings

Settings that must be specified manually for the tributary areas and pipes, or which are used as values in the analysis calculations, can be pre-established as defaults on the Settings page. Click the Settings button on the General page to open this dialog box.

Default settings for structures can be specified in the Edit Feature Settings – Structure dialog box.

Note: With the addition of the ability to map drainage structure parameters, the Use Frame Dimensions setting has been removed from the Inlet Details for Part Builder Structures section of the Edit Feature Settings – Structure dialog box. For more information about drainage structure parameter mapping, see To Map Drainage Structure Parameters for Gravity Network Analysis.

Parameter Mapping for Parts Created with Part Builder

You can map the parameters of parts created with Part Builder to parameters that are required for the Analyse Gravity Network command.

By mapping the parameters and applying them to the structures in existing pipe networks, you will not need to manually specify the values when you are using the Analyse Gravity Network command.

For more information, see To Map Drainage Structure Parameters for Gravity Network Analysis.

Note: Parts created with the Infrastructure Parts Editor already have the parameters that are required for the Analyse Gravity Network command and do not require mapping.

Network Details Information

Use the Network Details page of the Analyse Gravity Network dialog box to review and change the network detail information that is relevant to the selected analysis types.

If the analysis type you select cannot be performed, an error message is displayed below the Network Details button on the General page of the Analyse Gravity Network dialog box.

If some of the network detail information should be reviewed, a warning message is displayed below the Network Details button on the General page.

Click the Network Details button to open the Network Details page where you can review errors and warnings and change the network detail settings.

For more information, see Network Details Page (Analyse Gravity Network Dialog Box).

Analysis Results

When you click the Analyse button in the Analyse Gravity Network dialog box, the Results page is displayed.

Visual cues and tooltips are displayed to indicate the analysis results.

When you select a row in the results table, the right panel displays detailed information about the pipe and structure in the selected line.

For more information, see Results Page (Analyse Gravity Network Dialog Box).

Pipe Network Part Replacement

For the Resize Pipes and Reset Inverts analysis type, the Analyse Gravity Network command checks the current part catalogue for replacement parts. If a required part size is in the catalogue but does not exist in the current part list, then it is added to the current part list after the parts are replaced.

If the analysis determines that a different part size is required, that size will be queried from the original family of the pipe, and if the required size does not exist in that family, other part families that are used in the pipe network will be queried from. This may result in the material of one pipe being changed for a different material (but only if the other material is already used in the pipe network).

If... and if... then...
the original part is an 18 inch concrete pipe and the analysis determines that a 12 inch pipe can be used a 12 inch concrete pipe exists in the part catalogue the 12 inch concrete pipe will be used
the original part is an 12 inch concrete pipe and the analysis determines that a 10 inch pipe can be used a 10 inch concrete pipe does not exist in the part catalogue then other part families that are used in the pipe network will be queried for a 10 inch pipe
Note: Notifications are not made when the material of a pipe is changed for a different material in order to match the recommended size. To review the pipe materials, you can output a pipe report or create a table in the drawing that includes a column to show the pipe material.

Post-Sizing Refinements

  • After applying the results to a pipe network to which pipe rules have been applied, it's recommended that you review the pipes on the Prospector tab in Toolspace to see if the rules have been broken.
  • The outfall structure location and/or level may need to be modified to meet the desired cover value.