Example: To Create a Basic Description Key

In this example, you create a description key that is used to create utility pole points that have raw descriptions with a prefix of UP, for example, UP5A and UP4B. When these points are created in the drawing, they are displayed with the same symbol and layer. Each point maintains its individual description.

This example shows how to use a wild card character in the description key code so that a single description key matches any point whose raw description begins with the prefix UP.

As you work through this example, you might want more information about the contents of the columns in the DescKey Editor. For more information, see Description Key Editor.

Example: Creating a basic description key

  1. Before you begin, create a point style named UP_Symbol to be used to display the utility pole points created in this example. For more information, see About Point Styles.
  2. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, expand the Point collection.
  3. Right-click the Description Key Sets collection. Click New.
  4. For Name, enter UP_Example. Click OK.

    A description key set named UP_Example is created and is listed in the Settings tree under the Description Key Sets collection.

  5. Right-click UP_Example. Click Edit Keys.

    The DescKey Editor is opened. If you cannot see the DescKey Editor, click at the top of the Settings tab to display the Panorama window.

    If you cannot see the column headings mentioned in the following steps, use the column heading context menu to display or expand the column headings. You display and hide the columns in the DescKey Editor as you would in a list view. For more information, see To Work With Toolspace List Views.

  6. In the DescKey Editor, click in the first cell under the Code column heading. Enter UP* for the code.

    The asterisk (*) indicates that the description key will match any raw description that starts with UP, such as UP5A and UP5B.

  7. Under the Point Style column heading, select the check box and click in the cell. In the Point Style dialog box, select UP_Symbol. Click OK.

    The UP_Symbol style will be used to display the symbol for points that match the description key you are creating.

  8. Under the Point Label Style column heading, make sure that the check box is selected and that the Standard style is specified. The Standard style labels the point with point number, point level, and full description.
  9. Click in the cell under the Format column heading, and enter $*.

    The dollar sign asterisk ($*) format means that the full description and raw description for the point will be the same.

    If you wanted, you could enter text, such as UTILITY POLE, which would be used as the full description for all points with a raw description beginning with UP, or you could assign a format that creates a full description from the raw description. For more information, see Description Key Format Reference.

  10. Under the Layer column heading, select the check box. Click in the cell and create a layer named PTS_UP.
  11. Clear the check boxes under all other column headings.

    A point created using this description key will be placed on the PTS_UP layer.

  12. Close the DescKey Editor.
  13. If you have multiple description key sets defined, move the UP_Example set to the top of the search order. For more information, see To Change the Description Key Sets Search Order.
  14. Click Home tabCreate Ground Data panelPoints menuPoint Creation Tools. In the Create Points dialog box, click to expand the dialog box.
  15. Expand the Points Creation collection and specify the following settings:
  16. From the Miscellaneous command list, select Manual.
  17. Pick the location for a new point.
  18. Follow the prompts. When you are prompted for the description, enter UP1A.
    Note: Description key matching is case-sensitive, which means that an upper case letter does not match a lower case occurrence of the same letter. For example, the raw description “UP1A” matches the description key code “UP*”, but it would does not match “up*” or “Up*”.
  19. The point is drawn using the UP_Symbol point style and the Standard point label style. The point is created on the PTS_UP layer.