About Changing Corridor Assembly Frequency

You can change the frequency of assemblies applied in corridors within junction objects.

The frequency that assemblies are applied to corridors in a junction is specified at junction creation, and is controlled at the command settings level.

You can specify different frequencies for straight, circular arcs, or transitions segments separately. Once the junction is created, you can edit the corridor properties to change frequencies as needed. For example, suppose originally the corner radius fillet is from chainage 1+00 to 3+00.

Then suppose that you change the frequency of assembly insertion for one or more of the corridor regions; for example, quadrant 2. Also perhaps you may add manual chainages, for example, at chainage 2+05 and at 2+15 in the corner radius fillet section of the corridor in quadrant 2.

Now suppose that you edit the junction geometry so that the corner radius fillet radius at quadrant 2 is increased. Suppose that due to this change, the corner radius fillet chainage changed from 0+50 to 3+50 because of the increased length of arc. In this case, the junction object will do the following:

If the corridor is set to rebuild automatically, then the corridor will be updated with the changes noted above, including manual chainages (which would remain at their previous chainage values).

If one of the manual chainages is no longer part of the new corner radius fillet area, then that manual chainage is removed from the list.

If the corridor is set with Rebuild Automatic turned off, then the junction will still change the corridor regions to the new chainages. However, the corridor is not rebuilt unless “Rebuild” is selected on the corridor object, either in the drawing, or in Prospector.

Note: The above steps describe behavior when the corridor is set to rebuild automatically. If it is not set to rebuild automatically, this behavior occurs only when you explicitly click the Rebuild button.