About Editing Junctions

You can edit junctions using commands available from the ribbon, from right-click context menus, or by editing the objects directly in the drawing using grips.

Changes Managed by the Junction Object

The following types of edits can be performed by making changes directly to components that are controlled by the junction object:

Typically you will need to update corridor regions after making these types of edits to junction objects. When an update is necessary, an out-of-date icon is displayed in Prospector for the corridors in the junction. If you have Update Regions Automatically turned on for the junction object, then the corridor regions are updated automatically after these types of edits.

Changes Not Managed by the Junction Object

While you can make the above types of changes by manipulating components that are controlled by the junction object, it is also possible to make other types of changes that are not directly managed by the junction object. For example, you can make the following types of changes that are not managed by the junction object:

Because these last three types of changes do not modify the junction object definition, it is important to understand that if you do make these types of changes, they could be overwritten or ignored if you update the corridor regions in the junction, or if you recreate the junction.

Note: When you edit the horizontal or vertical geometry of the junction object, the road that is specified as the side road is automatically adjusted to accommodate the horizontal and vertical position of the road that is specified as the primary road.

The sections that follow describe how to make various types of edits to junction objects.