Profile Data Tab (Profile Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to view structural data about a profile.


Displays the name of the profile.


Specifies an optional description for the profile.


Displays the profile type.

  • Surface profile
  • Layout profile
  • Offset profile
  • Superimposed profile
  • Corridor profile
Data Source

For surface profile, displays the name of the surface represented in the profile. For superimposed profiles, displays the name of the superimposed profile. For corridor profiles, specifies the name of the source corridor. For offset profiles, displays the name of the parent profile. Not used for layout profiles or corner radius profiles.

Displays the offset distance from the centerline of the parent horizontal alignment: either 0 for a centerline profile, a positive number for a right offset, a negative number for a left offset. This value is set to 0 for corner radius profiles.
Note: For profiles created as offset profiles, the offset distance is shown relative to the offset alignment (which is listed under Parent Horizontal Alignment in the lower part of the Profile Data tab), rather than to the parent centerline alignment.
Update Mode

For surface profiles, offset profiles and connected profiles only. Specifies whether the profile updates automatically to reflect changes in level.

  • Dynamic:
    • For surface profiles: The profile automatically updates to reflect changes in the surface level or the geometry of the parent horizontal alignment.
    • For offset profiles: The offset profile automatically updates to reflect changes in the level or geometry of the parent profile and parent alignment. When an offset profile is dynamic, you can add crossfall regions on the Offset Parameters tab, but the profile geometry cannot be edited.
    • For connected profiles:
      • The geometry of the overlapping segments on the connected profile is locked to the parent profiles when in a dynamic state and cannot be edited. These overlapping segments will update if the parent alignments and profiles update.
      • The chainages between the overlapping segments of a dynamic connected profile can be edited using profile editing tools. This area of a dynamic connected profile will not be dynamic to the parent alignments and profiles and will not update if they update.
  • Static:
    • For surface profiles: The profile shows surface levels at the time of its creation. It does not update to reflect changes that occur later.
    • For offset profiles: The profile shows the elevations and geometry at the time it was set to static. It does not update to reflect changes that occur later to its parent profile and parent alignment. When you switch an offset profile from dynamic to static, you can edit the profile. If you subsequently change it back to dynamic, any edits you made when it was static are lost.
    • For connected profiles: The profile shows the levels and geometry at the time that it was set to static. It does not update to reflect changes to the parent profiles that occur later.
      Note: If you subsequently switch a connected profile from static back to dynamic, any changes that you have made on overlapping segments derived from the parent profiles are changed back to match the geometry of the parent profiles. The inside portion of the profile between the overlapping segments is preserved as much as possible, but there may be some curves that are trimmed or changed to lines if curves start or end on the overlapping segments.

Specifies the drawing layer on which the profile is placed.


Specifies the style used by the profile.

Chainage Start/End

Specifies the first and last chainage numbers for the profile. The chainage numbers represent distances along the parent horizontal alignment.

Level Minimum/Maximum

Specifies the highest and lowest level values that occur along the profile.


Specifies the parent horizontal alignment for the profile.

Note: For profiles created as offset profiles, this is the offset alignment, rather than the centerline alignment.