Use this tab to view data about a profile associated with the alignment.
Specifies the name of the profile.
Specifies an optional description for the profile.
Specifies whether the current profile represents the existing ground or a finished surface.
Displays the name of the surface from which the EG Profile gets levels.
Specifies the offset distance from the centerline of the parent horizontal alignment: either 0 for a centerline profile, a positive number for a right offset, or a negative number for a left offset.
For existing ground profiles only. Specifies whether the profile updates automatically to reflect changes in surface level.
Specifies the drawing layer on which the profile is placed.
Specifies the style used by the profile.
Specifies the first and last chainage numbers for the profile. The chainage numbers represent distances along the parent horizontal alignment.
Specifies the highest and lowest level values that occur along the profile.