Add Baselines Dialogue Box

Use this dialogue box to create or edit multiple baselines for a corridor. Baselines can be comprised of alignments, profiles and feature lines.

Baseline Selection Management
Use the following tools at the top of the dialogue box to help you select multiple alignments, profiles, assemblies and feature lines:
  • Pick from Drawing. Manually select one or more baselines in the drawing. Press Enter when finished.
  • Insert. Adds a new row for additional baselines.
  • Delete. Deletes the currently selected baseline row.
Alignments and Profiles
This table lists the currently selected alignments and profiles selected as baselines for the corridor.
  • Alignment. This column lists the names of the currently selected alignments for the corridor. From the drop-down menu, you can change the selection to any of the currently available alignments. Click to reassign or assign baselines by selecting one or more alignments from the drawing.
  • Profile. This column lists the names of the currently associated profiles (if any) for the alignments. From the drop-down menu, you can change the selection to any of the currently available profiles. Click to reassign or assign baselines by selecting one or more profiles from the drawing.
  • Assembly. This column lists the names of the currently associated assemblies for the alignments. From the drop-down menu, you can change the selection to any of the currently available selected assemblies. Click to reassign by selecting one from the drawing.
    Note: If <none> is specified for an assembly, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.
Tip: Left-click, hold and drag the cursor in the table to select multiple items for mass editing.
Note: If <none> is specified for an assembly, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.
Feature Lines
This table lists the currently selected feature lines selected as baselines for the corridor.
  • Feature Line. This column lists the names of the currently selected Feature Line for the corridor. From the drop-down menu, you can change the selection to any of the currently available alignments. Click to reassign or assign baselines by selecting one or more feature lines from the drawing.
  • Assembly. This column lists the name of the currently associated assemblies for the feature lines. From the drop-down menu, you can change the selection to any of the currently available selected feature lines. Click to reassign by selecting one from the drawing.
  • Left-click, hold and drag the cursor in the table to select multiple items for mass editing.
  • The selection filter can help narrow your selection options from the feature line drop menus. Use an asterisk (*) as a wild card. For example, kerb* would list named feature lines such as kerb01, kerb line or kerbside. This filter will also limit your selections when manually picking lines in the drawing.
  • If a feature line is not named, it will not appear in the drop-down list. You can click to select a feature line (named or unnamed) in the drawing. If the selected feature line is not named, the Apply Feature Line Names dialogue box is displayed so you can enter a name for it.
Note: If <none> is specified for an assembly, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.