Roundabout Command Reference

You can use commands to quickly access roundabout functionality. The following table lists the roundabout commands and briefly describes their functionality.



RoundaboutAddApproach Adds another approach to the roundabout
RoundaboutAddPedestrianCrossing Adds a pedestrian crossing to the roundabout
RoundaboutAddRumbleStrips Adds rumble strips to the roundabout
RoundaboutAddSpeedStriping Add speed striping to the roundabout
RoundaboutAddSplitterIsland Adds a splitter island to the roundabout
RoundaboutCreate Creates a roundabout by selecting a center point
RoundaboutEdit Displays the Roundabout Properties dialog to change an existing roundabout
RoundaboutNextRegion Displays the next region in the roundabout
RoundaboutNextSightline Displays the next sightline in the roundabout
RoundaboutPreviousRegion Displays the previous region in the roundabout
RoundaboutPreviousSightline Displays the previous sightline in the roundabout
RoundaboutProperties Displays the Roundabout Properties dialog to change an existing roundabout
RoundaboutRefresh Exchanges all data betweeen the program and ARCADY
RoundaboutRemovePedestrianCrossing Removes a pedestrian crossing from the roundabout
RoundaboutRemoveRumbleStrips Removes rumble strips from the roundabout
RoundaboutRemoveSpeedStriping Removes speed striping from the roundabout
RoundaboutRemoveSplitterIsland Removes a splitter island from the roundabout
RoundaboutReport Displays the Roundabout Report dialog
RoundaboutSettings Displays the Settings dialog, to set defaults for roundabout creation
RoundaboutStandardExplorer Contains the settings that control the rules and standards for roundabout creation
RoundaboutStyle Sets the way roundabouts are displayed