About Generating Material Lists for Sample Line Groups

Use the Compute Materials command to generate a material list for a sample line group.

Material lists are the starting points for creating quantity takeoff tables and reports, and mass haul diagrams. When you apply a quantity takeoff criteria to a sample line group, a material list is added to the sample line group properties. You can then use the material list to create a volume table or report, or a mass haul diagram.

Before you create a material list, you must first define quantity takeoff criteria and create sample lines for the alignment along which you are going to generate quantity takeoff or mass haul information.

The material lists you create are stored as part of the sample line group properties. If you select a sample line group that already has a material list when you are using the Compute Materials command, the existing list is opened for editing.

Curve Correction

Curve correction may be required to correct volume calculations within a curvilinear section of an alignment (or on two sides of a horizontal intersection point). If the sample lines are within a specified tolerance or if the angle of deflection between the successive chainages is small, then curve correction is not used.

Note: Curve correction can be applied to the Average End Area method. It cannot be applied to the Prismoidal or Composite method.