To Generate a Material List for a Sample Line Group

  1. Click Analyze tabVolumes And Materials panelCompute Materials Find.
  2. In the Select a Sample Line Group dialog box, click the Select Alignment field. Select an alignment from the list or click and select an alignment in the drawing.
  3. Click the Select Sample Line Group field. Select a sample line group or click to select a group in the drawing.
  4. Click OK.

    If there is no material list associated with the sample line group, the Compute Materials dialog box is displayed.

    If one or more material lists are already part of the sample line group properties, the Edit Material List dialog box is displayed. You can add a new materials list or edit an existing list as required. You can also add subcriteria to address more complex volume situations.

  5. Click the Quantity Takeoff Criteria field. Select the criteria.
  6. Select a Volume Calculation Method.
  7. Optionally, select the Curve Correction Tolerance check box and enter a curve correction value.
    Note: This control is grayed out if Composite Volume or Prismoidal is specified as the Volume Calculation Method.
  8. Map the object names to apply to the materials by clicking in the Object Name column and selecting the appropriate object, such as a surface.
  9. Optionally, if the criteria uses the same surface and structure names as objects in the drawing, you can quickly map the names by clicking Map Objects With Same Name.
  10. Click OK.

    The quantity takeoff calculation is performed and the material list is added to the sample line group properties.