Roundabouts Properties: Arm: Slip Lane: Slip Lane Entry

Click Slip Lane Entry under Slip Lane in the left-hand pane. The Entry Road Side page is displayed.

The value in the New Lanes field depends on whether Single or Double Slip Lanes has been selected in the Slip Lane page and on whether the number of new lanes has been defined for the slip lane.

The Deceleration Region Length is the section of the slip lane after the initial flare that runs parallel to the original road, allowing vehicles to slow down before the slip lane curve.

The Outer Flare Length Ratio is the length of the flare for the widening of the lanes. It is a ratio of the change in width.

The Gap Length is the gap in the curving to allow vehicles entry to the slip lane.

The Distance from Roundel is distance from the roundel of the roundabout to the start of the flaring for the slip lane creation.

The Distance to Blend Point is the minimum and maximum distance before you start the flaring for the slip lane. This is only defined in the Roundabout Standards.

The Inner Flare Radius is the radius of the inside part of the flare.

The Outer Flare Radius is the radius of the outside part of the flare.

The Inner Taper Length Ratio is the taper on the other side of the entry to the curve and is always a triangle. It is the ratio of the change of the width.

The Adjust Kerb Offset with Flare, when selected, adjusts the change in kerb width along the flare line.