To Create a Rehab Corridor

  1. Click Home tabCreate Design panel Rehab Corridor Find.
  2. In the Create Rehab Corridor dialog box, specify the following parameters:
    Note: Feature lines are not a supported baseline type for a rehab corridor.
    • Name
    • Description
    • Corridor Style
    • Corridor Layer
    • Alignment
    • Profile
    • Region Start and End Chainage
    • Target Surface
    Note: You don't specify an assembly in the Create Rehab Corridor dialog box. When you apply rehab parameters to your rehab corridor, Autodesk Civil 3D will automatically build the assembly for your rehab corridor and will automatically assign the appropriate rehab subassemblies to your rehab corridor regions. The name of the new rehab corridor is displayed in the Corridors collection on the Prospector tab.
  3. Click OK.

    The Rehab Corridor Editor ribbon tab is displayed and the Rehab Parameters palette will auto-dock to the right side of the user interface. Click Rehab Parameters to launch the Rehab Parameters palette if it's not displayed.

    Note: Three custom viewports will be displayed for the selected chainage within the rehab corridor region: the cross section view, profile view and plan view. See About Rehab Corridor Sections for more information.
  4. Use the Rehab Parameters palette to can assign lane inputs and properties and edit the rehab input parameters in the properties table for rehab corridor region that was created.
    Note: If targets are required for the corridor and not set, messages are displayed in the Event Viewer. To display the Event Viewer, click GeneralUtilitiesEvent Viewer.
  5. When you have finished modifying rehab parameters, click Apply to apply your modifications to the selected rehab corridor region.
  6. Use the Rehab Corridor Editor ribbon tab to navigate between chainages and review attributes for each chainage. You can also specify the chainage at which you want to change a parameter.

    For each selected chainage, you can modify parameters in the Rehab Parameters palette. Changes that you make in the Rehab Parameters palette will update the selected rehab corridor region and the cross section view once you click Apply.

  7. Click Close in the Rehab Corridor Editor ribbon tab.